Le Cinque Terre.org


- Introduction
- The Marine Protected Area
- Diving areas
- Authorized diving centers

The frame of the Cinque Terre landscape is a literally unique experience for lovers of diving: spurs overlooking the sea, almost vertical cliffs, clear waters.

Since 1999 the Protected Marine Area of the Cinque Terre Park protects this unique environment, with diving spots organized for beginners and experts.

The Marine Protected Area
The sea in front of the Cinque Terre is divided into three areas: zone A, B and C.
Zone A is located immediately in front of Punta Mesco between Levanto and Monterosso and in front of Capo di Montenero in Riomaggiore. Zone B extends zone A in front of the same points. Zone C includes the whole stretch of sea between Punta Mesco and Capo di Montenero
In Zone A, motor boating, fishing, anchoring, mooring, underwater fishing and individual diving are prohibited. Bathing, sailing and diving are only possible for residents.
In zoneB anchoring, underwater fishing and individual diving are prohibited. Navigation, mooring and diving are regulated, fishing for residents only. Bathing is allowed.
In zone C, access to boats and underwater fishing is prohibited. Diving, boat or land fishing, anchoring and mooring are regulated. Bathing and boating are allowed.

Diving areas
Dives with prior authorization are possible in the following points:
Punta Gatta (Levanto)
Zone B
Place: Punta Gatta
Maximum depth: - 25mt
Bottom type: wall/landslide
Difficulty: intermediate
Large shoal where flabelline, barracuda, bream, grouper, lobster, moray eels and congers take refuge.

La Franata (Monterosso)
Zone A
Place: La Franata
Patent applied for: Open
Maximum depth: - 35 mt
Bottom type: wall/landslide
Difficulty: expert
Landslide that descends meeting pinnacles with a muddy bottom of about 30-35 meters: red gorgonians, sea daisies, large groupers, moray eels, conger eels, snappers.

Punta Corone Path for disabled persons (Monterosso)
Zone C
Place: Punta Corone
Patent applied for: Open
Maximum depth: - 18 mt
Bottom type: dry
Difficulty: beginner
Path marked by a peak supported by pegs, for beginners or the disabled. Posidonia oceanica prairie.

Punta Montenero Wall
Zone A
Place: Punta Montenero wall
Maximum depth: - 20 mt
Bottom type: wall/landslide
Difficulty: beginner
Discovering burrows where groupers and ravens hide.

Shoal of Lobsters
Zone A
Place: Shoal of Lobster
Patent applied for: Advance
Maximum depth: - 32 m
Bottom type: wall/landslide
Difficulty: expert
Large lobsters, large fans of white gorgonian.


Authorized diving centers
5 Terre Diving
Via San Giacomo, 19017 Riomaggiore
Tel: 0187 920011, 339 8342798

La Tribù Diving Academy
Via Meneghetti, 24 - San Terenzo Lerici
Tel: 338 5280545

Diving Center Punta Mesco
Area nautica Vallesanta Location 21 & 22, Levanto
Tel: 0187 807055