How to get to Riomaggiore. Updated 2024
Le Cinque


Getting to Riomaggiore by car
Riomaggiore can be reached quite easily by car, another question is where to leave the car.
The closest motorway exit is La Spezia-Santo Stefano Magra, along the A12 Genova-Livorno and the A15 Parma-La Spezia. From here, follow the signs to La Spezia along the SS 370, a convenient two-lane highway. Continue along Via Carducci, where you have to keep left to turn onto Viale Italia towards Cinque Terre as indicated by road signs. You go along Viale Italia, first between the houses, then with the sea on the left, arriving in front of the arsenal, where you turn right onto Viale Amendola. Keep left again and turn at the traffic lights onto the SP530, always following the brown signs indicating the Cinque Terre, in the direction of La Spezia football stadium. After the stadium, the road turns slightly to the left, becoming Via Fieschi. At this point you have to pay attention, at the traffic lights go straight uphill along the Via delle Cinque Terre (otherwise if you continue on the left, you’ll go to Portovenere). From here begins a climb of about 12 km which, passing Biassa, reaches Riomaggiore.
The road is quite comfortable, wide and with some tunnels to cross. The last two km are downhill towards the village, the problem now is finding a parking.

Average travel times from Riomaggiore to other villages by car:
Riomaggiore - La Spezia: 30 minutes, 15 km
Riomaggiore - Manarola: 15 minutes, 6 km
Riomaggiore - Corniglia: 35 minutes, 17 km
Riomaggiore - Vernazza: 35 minutes, 16 km
Riomaggiore - Monterosso: 48 minutes, 29 km
Riomaggiore - Levanto: 55 minutes, 31 km

Other average travel times to the main locations, kilometer distance, estimated motorway toll cost, estimated fuel cost:
- Milan (center) -Riomaggiore: 3 hours, 235 km, toll € 22.60, fuel € 28

- Turin (center) -Riomaggiore: 3 hours and 45 minutes, 277 km, toll 22 euros, fuel 30 euros

- Genoa-Riomaggiore: 1 hour and 50 minutes, 106 km, toll 7.50 euros, fuel 13 euros

- Pisa-Riomaggiore: 1 hour and 20 minutes, 90 km, toll 7.20 euros, fuel 10 euros

- Florence-Riomaggiore: 2 hours, 160 km, toll 13.40 euros, fuel 17 euros

- Bologna-Riomaggiore: 2 hours and 45 minutes, 240 km, toll 21 euros, fuel 24 euros

- Venice-Riomaggiore: 4 hours and 30 minutes, 390 km, toll 33 euros, fuel 37 euros

Download in pdf the distances km from Riomaggiore by car.

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Distances km from Riomaggiore

Getting to Riomaggiore by train
Surely the easiest option to get to Riomaggiore is by train. The station is in the village, connected by a convenient tunnel. The line is the Genoa-La Spezia.

Average travel times from Riomaggiore to other villages by train:
Riomaggiore - La Spezia: 10 minutes
Riomaggiore - Manarola: 3 minutes
Riomaggiore - Corniglia: 6 minutes
Riomaggiore - Vernazza: 9 minutes
Riomaggiore - Monterosso: 14 minutes
Riomaggiore - Levanto: 20 minutes

Other average travel times to the main locations:
- Milano Centrale-Riomaggiore: 3 hours and 30 minutes (one change in Sestri Levante)

- Turin Porta Nuova-Riomaggiore: 3 hours and 40 minutes (one change in La Spezia Centrale or Genova Brignole)

- Genova Brignole-Riomaggiore: 1 hour and 50 minutes (direct)

- Pisa airport-Riomaggiore: 1 hour and 40 minutes (two changes in Pisa Centrale and La Spezia Centrale)

- Florence Santa Maria Novella-Riomaggiore: 2 hours and 30 minutes (two changes in Pisa Centrale and La Spezia Centrale)

- Bologna Centrale-Riomaggiore: 3 hours and 30 minutes (three changes in Florence Santa Maria Novella, Pisa Centrale and La Spezia Centrale) or 4 hours and 3 minutes (two changes in Parma and La Spezia Centrale)

- Venice Santa Lucia-Riomaggiore: 6 hours (three changes in Bologna Centrale, Parma and La Spezia Centrale)

Train timetable for Riomaggiore

Download in pdf the distances km from Riomaggiore by train.

Buy your ticket for the Cinque Terre here:

Getting to Riomaggiore by plane
The nearest airport is Pisa, about 100 km from Riomaggiore, from where you can take the train as in the option above or rent a car and take the A12 Genoa-Livorno and then the A15 Parma-La Spezia up to Santo Stefano Magra from where you continue as per the previous indications.

The Genoa airport is located about 130 km from Riomaggiore, about two hours by car along the A10 Genoa-Ventimiglia for a short distance, then the A7 Milan-Genoa and then the A12 Genoa-Livorno to the tollbooth of Santo Stefano Magra and proceed as indicated. By train, go from the airport to Genova Brignole

Malpensa airport is almost 300 km away, 3 and a half hours by car. By train from Malpensa airport it is necessary to arrive in Milano Centrale with the Malpensa Express or by bus.

How to get to the Cinque Terre