Train timetable in the Cinque Terre 2024
Surely you already know that the best way to reach the Cinque Terre is by train, avoiding the narrow streets with many curves and parking problems. The Cinque Terre Express shuttle that connects all five countries leaves from La Spezia and Levanto with many trips in a day, about 3 trains per hour.
The cost of the ticket for a single journey in 2024 between La Spezia Centrale and Levanto from 16 March to 3 November varies between 5 and 10 euros depending on the time of travel. For children aged 4 to 11 the price varies between 2.50 and 5 euros.
The price is the same between La Spezia and Levanto. There is no difference between, for example, La Spezia-Riomaggiore or La Spezia-Monterosso.
There are three bands:
Band A - green: Adults €5.00 - Children €2.50
Band B - yellow: Adults €8.00 - Children €4.00
Band C - red: Adults €10.00 - Children €5.00
Here you will find the time slot calendar depending on the day of departure.
It is therefore advisable to purchase the Cinque Terre Card Train .
Tickets can be purchased at stations, vending machines or ticket offices, although there may be long queues in the latter. It is mandatory to validate the ticket.
Here is the Cinque Terre train timetable in PDF